Monday, February 18, 2008 at 12:47PM
Terry Dryden in STITCHING RETREAT, Soy Luster Shadows, This and That, Work Spaces

Lots of people might be having a holiday today, but I'm here at my computer desk working away.  I really like my flexibile schedule but sometimes I do forget what day it is.  But at least we have been having pretty nice weather this last week or so.  I know, I know, it is all relative, but we in the San Francisco bay area must have something to complain about,even if it is only about its being overcast (with fog early and late).   I have lived in other climates and your body definitely acclimates to wherever you are, so now I'm used to a very narrow temperature range, which can be a problem when I travel other places.  Anyway, here is a photo taken as I turn to look out my window into the backyards.  Even though they are not visible from this phot, the pink jasmine is blooming and the first bulbs are beginning to come up. 

I really like having a separate computer work area separate from my other creating and stitching spaces.  I spend a lot of time here as all the instruction books are created here much less this blog and website. 

I've been busy adding more colors of Soy Luster Shadows to the site and finishing up the Creative Stitchers Retreat pages. They are scheduled for this Tuesday night.  I have also been updating the Upcoming Pilots page to include the pilots for 2009 Seminar classes so if you think your group my be interested in that type of workshop check out Pilot Classes

Hopefully the photos of project updates will return by the end of this week.  Several now have completion deadlines over the next few months!  There is also the fourth and final design in the works for the Silk Ribbon Flower series. This series is fun to's just finding the time....but I have promised to have it ready by Mid May, latest. 

Well....back to work, but enjoyable work,  for me.  Hope you are enjoying your day.

Article originally appeared on Terry Dryden Needlework Designs (
See website for complete article licensing information.