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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.



This has been a busy week.  I have been working hard to make some deadlines plus it was my turn to preside over my own local ANG guild meeting.  That also entails writing the "President's Letter" for our newsletter.  Now, Sharon W. is the person who regularly writes it and she does a wonderful job.  Her letters are always fun reading.  On the other hand, my style is not as zippy.....but I'm certainly learning a lot but writing this blog!  Anyway, back to the point of my story.....I knew I had to come up with something different to enliven it.  Happily, just before I was scheduled to write the letter, another of our members requested I research the information on the meaning of ORTS.  I did "exhaustive research" into  that important questions and here follows is all I know about the definition and origin of ORTS.

Ort appears to be derived from an old German word which was created from the Middle English orte, food left by animals, and with the middle Dutch: oorete (oor, out + eten, to eat.)

Current dictionaries define Orts variously as “leftovers.....of food, or the crumbs, scraps, or remains left over from any job, as cleaning up the orts on a construction site”, or “a fragment, esp. of wisdom, wit, knowledge”.

Wikipedia defines as follows: Ort, the snippet of thread left over after finishing a section of embroidery. The jar used to store these snippets is referred to as an Ort Port .

Finally, there is a shop in Florida called NeedleOrts, Inc. which defines Ort as “noun; a snippet or leftover bit of thread, usually resulting from a voracious addiction to handcrafted needlework”.

Now, I have two more deadlines looming for February 1st, (is there anyone without any deadlines!?), but I do plan to stitch on Funky Rose this week and to post some update photos mid week.  This is a project I plan to have completed by February 15th so really plan to stay with it.  

Claire and I are narrowing in on a location for our first Stitching Retreat to be held late September to early October.  I hope to announce more details on this website, and have photos of both project designs, around February 15th.  

Now, back to those ORTS.  If anyone has more ORT info they would care to share, please send comments. More again in a few days.



Lots going on and too many things left undone at the end of the weekend.  Sound familiar?  But anyway, Saturday was a stitch-in day and we had a great time.  Great company and a great lunch provided by the hostess.  But back to work on Sunday. I've been moving along on my latest project so wanted to share some update photos.   In the  photo below I have completed the first "border" and the ribbon portion of the the rose is done and beads added to the petals. (More beading left to be done on the rose....and maybe some re-done!) The photo at right shows more paint added and the center of the rose is complete.  The second and third "borders" are underway.  I have made sketches of these but making everything fit together as I have envisioned is always a challenge.  More embellishment to come!  

 funkyRoseUpdate1cI want  to thank all who found this blog and website this past week due to the link to Winter Frost on the ANG List.  I hope you continue to enjoy the blog and don't hesitate to contact me or comment if you have any questions or comments.



FunkyRose1aSince last week I have set aside the Flower Diamonds pillow I was stitching on and am trying to make a start on a smaller new rose design (tentatively called Funky Rose).  Only a few more weeks remain before it is time to mail off design proposals.  This new one is another idea I have been wanting to try for a while.  

In my classes students ask how designs are developed. One thing I usually do is to start collecting materials for a design for up to a year or more before the final designing and stitching happen.  In this instance I just couldn't seem to get the right mix of theads and embellishments.  But some new paints - Polished Pigments -came out which I'm using on parts of the background.  This are pigments with mica added for a little "glitter"to which you add a Simple Solution medium.  This "glitter" doesn't show up in the photos.  These pigments helped me along with the well as finding a website for all kinds of sequins!   

I'll be posting pictures as I move along.  I plan to paint more in some areas and add sequins, beads, and possibly wire. After the design proposals are mailed I will return to complete the stitching of this design and Flower Diamonds.  

If readers have any questions about products used I have listed my sources in the Links section under Arts and OtherTextile Related Crafts