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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.



Bargello Arrows is a new design stitched on 13 count canvas.  It has been chosen by my local ANG Guild to be an ongoing project for this year.  No specific colors or threads are indicated but detailed suggestions are given to help each stitcher choose her own favorites.  Our group started collecting threads over the summer break, based on a initial handout.  Then, at the first meeting in September everyone's colors and threads choices were reviewed and suggestions given if necessary.  Stitching began in earnest at the Octobe rmeeting.  Would you believe one stitcher has already compleed the project?!  The feedback is everyone is learning a lot about how to choose colors and threads.  I say "threads" cause in the original project I used silk/wools, heavy silk perle, textured cotton, and River Silks 7mm ribbons. 

 I am making the instruction books and taped and marked canvas (optional) available to groups.  Contact me for details. 




I am fortunate to live in an area where there are several local needlework guilds. Aside from our monthly meetings we try to have at least one stitch in a month. These get togethers have become some of my favorite activities....particularly as I work at home....and this is a fun way to keep up with other stitchers. Yesterday's stitch in was so enjoyable I hated to leave.

Now that I think more about it, the enjoyment I get from attending these might have contributed to my deciding to begin a blog.......if a small group is good, might a larger group not be even more fun?!



OrchidJPEG.jpgOrchid is the third in my series of Ribbon Silk Flower designs.  Gerbera Daisy and Hibiscus are #1 and #2 respectively.  Look for the fourth and final design in Spring 2008!