One quadrant is finally complete of Baroque Diamonds. I ended up making several minor, or moderate, changes.

Of course, since last time I hav added the two new pattern areas and added bugle, seed and Tila beads. I also revised the center diamond and the triangular area of the same pattern.
Once this stitching was completed I scanned the area and then pieced together 4 copies of the scan to show how the completed design will look, except for the little bit missing on the right edge. The complete design is approximately 8-1/4" square.
It is interesting to refer back to the original sketches and threads pulled for the project. I used three of the markers: two rose and one gold. I also used three of the beads shown previously plus one new Miyuki seed bead. Also, no new threads were pulled other the originals shown. But previously there were only the full skeins lined up with no regard to proportion and it just shows how much a change in the proportion of each color group can make to the overall design!

Now here is a another new design I have begun working on.....very different from Baroque Diamonds!
This is going to be a group of three small poppy scenes, each only 3-1/2" square. The can be framed separately or all three matted into one frame or pillow or wall hanging, or other.

This is the original watercolor sketch before it has been copied to Transfer Artist Paper.

Here it is TODAY, with the design transferred to canvas and the first poppy almost conpletely stitched. Each of the three poppy sketches will have different color Iceland Poppies with some looking up and some looking forward, and with interesting "sky" and "field" patterns added. Rather sketchy and loose as you can see....or maybe it is too soon to tell yet. I am having fun with them!
Happy New Years!