Summer Garden Collage

It has been 2-1/2 months since I last posted an update...way too long. Time certainly seems to fly once Halloween arrives. I have gotten far enough along on Summer Garden Collage to post a photo. I still have to add beads in several places (particularly the flower center). There will be ribbon flowers in the two remaining areas and one more geometric pattern in the final empty one. I will stitch the two wide borders again on the remaining two sides. The ribbon flower is stitched with wide 13mm River Silks Ribbon and I love the pouf! The colors are perky, just as hoped for....but I did have to audition several threads to find the ones that wanted to work together! Did you notice the layered markers in the center areas?
I have already begun stitching on another new design....a 4-way African inspired geometric (no name as yet)....but had to set it aside while I waited for my square bead and bugle bead orders to arrive. They're here, so next week I hope to have something to post. It is a much different color palette....along the lines of Whirlygig.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Years!