Some new perle threads to try

Over the last 2-1/2 months I have been traveling quite a lot. I don't take my stitching with me when on teaching trips so two new designs I need to have on display at the ANG Seminar in late August are coming along slowly. I think this year, for the first time, I might need to hand carry my two pieces. Best to take my time and not rush to finish!
It's also time to order supplies for seminar and other fall classes. So, for all of you attending Anaheim, hope to see you.
If you have stitched my designs that are new within the last three years or so, you know I like to use Stef Francis Spun Silk with Flames. Well, they sent me new samples of a new Silk Perle #5 thread they will be offering in all their colors. I plan to use it in several new pieces. It has a nice sheen and is a soft perle. It should work perfectly on straight stitches on size 18 mono canvas. Below are just some of the colors:
Look for them in future projects! I would love to hear any comments you have on these new threads.
I have one more class to pilot before the ANG Seminar August 22-31. And really looking forward to my visit to visit to Elmira, OR and the Needlepoint Now studio to present Pear Duet. Then I am home for the summer!!